Thursday, August 30, 2012

Finished MidTerm

Finally Mid-Term test finished.! 
Gotta rest more....
No more saddy face.
Smile :)

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Never try to get me mad!

在房间的我也给吓到下,然后听到爸 骂粗口。
妈的 我老爸你也敢碰,结果爸阻止了我,那个哑巴仔是白痴的。
如果他敢再伤害碰我家人,我发 不会让他过!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Girls ''closed-minded'' thinking

People choose not  to say out something that doesnt make any sense.
Bcos whatever shit comes out from you, cant be swallow in back again.
Especially for girls,
one word or no word from you,
no ways to argue.
You have to surrender when their grandaunt's visit.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


  • Dislike the life now
  • Dislike how people treat me
  • Dislike to study hard but no one teaching in depths
  • Dislike no one to talk to
  • Dislike the ways to earn money
  • Dislike to study
  • Dislike my dad work hard
  • Dislike Im not graduated yet
  • Dislike my life now!

Monday, August 6, 2012


感情事 偶尔就很奇妙 很弄人,你爱她,他爱她,她爱她...
單身久了, 對下一個感情的要求會是白頭偕老.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Love my mother

She is in all my life, every memories in my mind is her.
I love her more then everything.

Best Friend Forever

We had fun everytime we meet, we had some talk and discuss when we meet problems.
From kindergarden kid, untill young age like now.
We are not best friends, we are brothers.