Sunday, September 2, 2012


How, what makes you become a Playboy?
Today, yc asked me in the 真心话,大冒险..
She asked me how many girls had you had sex with?
I had answer, its under 5..
Then, they are wondering why so much...
Actually, its more than that from now...
I am damn doubt that is that am I really so bad?
Why could you be like that, Chew Han Keat?
I should say, Yah! I am a bad bad guy.
Thats why, I never put any feelings to sex with those ladies.
Its just one night dance!
I am wondering why or any reason I can become like this?
I admitted that I like having sex when I am with my ex gf.
I am bad enough, thats why she leave me.
I am not good enough. But, I just cant controlled the feeling after she leave me.
I am just addicted to....
For anyone who see this post, this is all my feeling, from my deep heart.
No ones know.

But, starting after this year, I less clubbing, less having sex...
Just because I wanna start my new life again.
I am just good enough, its just she dont appreciate me.
Thats her lost. I wanna become a normal person again.
When I fall in love again, I promised myself I wont let her hand off again.
I will marry her, I dont want to have any girlfriend anymore.
I want a true love.

The problem is, I never forget, I am dumped, I am so bad. I am a bad boy.
A good girl should have a better guy.
And I always tried to be good boyfriend, best husband...

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