Monday, September 3, 2012


I would say, I like clubbing. I dont have girlfriend, I am single, I am young, 22 years. I like enjoying happy moments with my friends. Getting more new friends. But I am not having sex for just wanna sex. I like her, she likes me, we chats we understand each others. We had urge, we have sex. Thats is normal, I am not going anywhere finding anygirl to have sex. Please, open minded abit. Also, I dont like drugs as you all know. But you all just dont know me. I dont like drug is the way I dont like to gambling. Like my dad. Mostly, people said like father like son. I disagree, ask them how my father stop gambling? Because me and my brother stop him! Then, wtf u claiming me like drugs? I said I never took drugs then never took! FUCK YOU!

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