Friday, April 6, 2012


Today is going to pass up my assignment, but yet, i havent done the assignment. Yeah, gonna failed it. Where is my mood to do assignment? Do i still want to waste $1500 for this subject? Or waste one more semester in order to get done with this MGT203? Are you sucks CHEW HAN KEAT? I really dont fucking know what actually inside my mind. Its very active and strong, but it just dont concentrate on studies. Whenever i see those studies stuff, just feel bored and sleepy? Do i still suits for this study life, which stands for more than 9 months more? I really feel sorry to my parents, okays... still got time for my bloggy.. omg.... for my parents, i force myself to study hard, i must finish this assignments before the day gone. Okays! see yah, my crappy wall.! :)

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