Sunday, April 8, 2012


Today my mom, brother and sister all going KL. Leave me alone with dad. Almost 12pm only i wake up, they are all disappear when i was awake. Feel like.......>.<.... Dabao for my favourite GongShunJiFan and ChaSiewBao somemore SiewMai 6 biji.^_^ eat until i feel oh damn full! haha. After that, dad scare me din eat dinner and bring me go Restaurant Kawanku eat le. Long time never been so close to him already. Hmm...last time we used to play together funny daddy. But after my little brother grow up, he used to talk and play with him. But I know he still love me, i just dont like the way he waste money on Magnum and Toto.....Thats why i talk less to him! >.< What a stupid son.... haha. But i also respect him, love him, and sayang him. I got buy him birthday present one leh. Hehe. Anyhow,he got praise me infront of uncle saying me buy the pasar malam wallet for him. But, he know that i dont hv much money now. See-ing his face very happy, i also happy. Anyhow, i love my dad, and he love me too, i know. Seeing him getting older and older. Hope the time give me to take care of him will come faster. I want him to get relax lifestyle, not to bother about how the hell to earn money hardworking already. Just want him HAPPY! Love you, daddy! ^_^

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