Wednesday, April 11, 2012


My friends all have their girlfriends already. See-ing them one with each other, its really makes people jealous la. Never think about to get a girlfriend, this is what I think and what I tell my friend. But, issit suits for me to not getting a girlfriend first? Yah. Definitely, I think its not suitable for me now to get a girlfriend. Because I am still single and I dont have money to support a girlfriend. Studying now, and need my dad to pay me. How can I pay for my girlfriend than? Its a shame to use father money and paying for a girl. Everyone wants to get a good in outside and inside girlfriend. But, is that so important for me? I also dont know about it. If there is a pretty girl come and wants to be my girlfriend. Will I accept her? I hope I wont accept her. Because I want to get money first before I got a girlfriend. So that, I will feel better. Really. hmmm....Anything, all depends on god. Everythings go naturally is the best. :)

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